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Death is the great intruder into life, whether sudden or after a long illness. We aim to have a priest or other minister available 24/7 to respond with telephone support or a home visit when someone is near death or has died. For this or to discuss a funeral, please telephone our Reader John Davies on 07411444549.


Quite quickly you will need to choose a Funeral Director, who will attend to, and give advice about, all the practical details, and you can leave it to them to contact the minister about the funeral or if you would prefer please do contact us directly. We understand that you may prefer to wait some days, to gather your thoughts and be with family and friends, before speaking with a minister about the funeral. Acting on your instructions, the Funeral Director will book the time, date, place and minister for the funeral. 

The minister is able to conduct the service in church or at the crematorium or both should that be your wish or that of the deceased. â€‹We will work with you and do our best to ensure that the service suits the wishes of you and the deceased.


Churchyards & Monuments

The following guidelines are intended to ensure that the churchyard is kept in a beautiful and dignified state that befits our loved ones. We ask that everyone involved in tending the churchyard help to maintain the same high standard.


From time to time, queries arise regarding what is permitted in the churchyard and who is responsible for certain types of maintenance. The following leaflet explains the Church of England regulations governing churchyards and their use. Please read this leaflet fully before you make decisions about your loved one’s grave as putting right mistakes at a later date can be very stressful and upsetting.

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